Our goal is to provide information, ideas and support for working women who are also full-time mothers.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Thank Goodness for AWS

I work one 1/2 day at home and compress my work week to leave early on Fridays. This has been so incredible and I'm so glad I took the risk and just asked. My new motto in life really is "the answer is always 'No' if you don't ask and you just maybe surprised with a 'Yes.'" I save on daycare, can spend more time with my kids and get more time to run errands. It was a lifesaver when I was pregnant because I did a lot of my appts on Friday afternoons. It really just takes asking and making sure to be diligent if you are working at home so that you can show proof of work so there is no question you can handle it. My work actually makes out better with me working at home 1/2 day because I have less interruptions, can better concentrate and can actually work longer because I don't have to rush off to pick up the kids because the preschool for my oldest is right around the corner. I use my lunch hour to drive home.

Here's a great resource I found from the Labor Project for Working Families and the AFL-CIO Working Women's Department:
Bargaining for Alternative Work Schedules


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