Our goal is to provide information, ideas and support for working women who are also full-time mothers.

Friday, February 16, 2007


It's so hard to find time to volunteer but I always feel so good when I do it. I also want to teach my kids by example. I am an active member of the PTO at my son's preschool. The PTO's main priority is to raise money to help buy things for the school and the kids. For example we recently purchased a new computer for each classroom. In the past we have helped buy some playground equipment, books and other supplies for the classrooms, a digital camera, and a die cut machine. Every Christmas we also help organize the adoption of a family through a local children's hospital. It is truly wonderful to see my son and the other kids benefit and grow from these things.

I also help out church. I don't do nearly as much at church as I would like to but as my son gets older I hope to do more. Each year at Stewardship time I try to sign up for one more thing. So far it's working.

I also do a lot of things at work for the United Way. This is great because I am allowed work time to do these things. Which means I don't have to give up any time with my family.

My story is not terribly exciting. But there it is!



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