It Only Seems Harder the 2nd Time Around
I really thought it would be easier but I think it was even harder the second time around. Knowing that time is so precious and that time slips by so quickly and I'd be leaving them before I knew it. Although I've been back to work for almost four months, there are still days were leaving my snuggly little 5 month old smiling away at home as I drive off to work is just heartbreaking. Watching hubby and my older child curled up in bed when I'm off to work before it's light out. :(
It's my life. I'm extremely lucky to have a fabulous husband, two wonderful boys and a good job. However I think we all have those times where we dream of being independently wealthy: working at home with our children playing at our feet [quietly of course ;)] at a job we love that involves helping others. Guess I better start playing the lottery :)
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