Our goal is to provide information, ideas and support for working women who are also full-time mothers.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Some years I have to stop and really focus on what I'm thankful for. Sometimes life gets so stressfull, so overwhelming, that I have to force myself to stop and remember all the good things. Thanksgiving was that day.

I am so grateful for the health of my children. Following the stories of so many kids fighting for their lives reminds me just how grateful I should be.

I am grateful for my husband. As I watch 3 friends struggle with the decision of leaving a relationship that is destructive, I'm so incredibly thankful that I found such an amazing partner to walk through this life with.

I'm grateful for my job. For the people I work with and the contributions I'm given the opportunity to make every day. So many people don't like what they do, I am so lucky.

I'm grateful for the twist of fate that brought me together with some amazing friends through the web. If you'd told me 4 years ago that the spine of my support system as a mother would come from a group of women I met on the web I would've laughed in your face. But it's true. I don't know what I did to deserve being an Aug 03 mom, to have found the group of mommies that are now such a part of my circle, but I am forever thankful that I did.

Happy Belated Thanksgiving.


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