Our goal is to provide information, ideas and support for working women who are also full-time mothers.

Monday, April 02, 2007

RWM Best Working Mom Bracketology

With all the bracket mania going on for March Madness and basketball, RWM will be having our own "Best Working Mom" bracket. Here's our initial field. Watch for polls to vote to advance through the bracket.

Sandra Day O'Connor - Supreme Court Justice, supported Roe v Wade
Toni Morrison - Nobel Prize winning author. She also wrote children's books with one of her sons.
Paula Dean - Famous television chef and author. She has a restaurant business with her sons.
LaKisha Jones - Single mother going for her dream on American Idol.
Cindy Crawford - Original supermodel, designer, breast feeding mom
Meredith Vieira - TV News personality -- "one of the most visible working mothers on television"
Angelina Jolie - movie star and activist, biological and adoptive mother
Julie Aigner Clark, founder of Baby Einstein
Liz Lange, founder of Liz Lange Maternity
Sharon Osbourne - TV personality, wife to Ozzy Ozbourne and mother to three children
Emme - plus-size model - www.emmestyle.com
Patricia Heaton (Everybody Loves Raymond) actress, activist
Jodi Foster- actress, activist and breast feeding mom
Katie Couric - First female nightly news anchor, activist and mother
Elizabeth Vargas - quit the big job for more time with family/children, television news
Hillary Clinton - politician, running for President in 2008, former First Lady


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