Our goal is to provide information, ideas and support for working women who are also full-time mothers.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Working to Make a Resolution

I’ve never been big on the whole “New Year’s Resolution” thing. If I am not convinced that I will be able to follow through, I will just be setting myself up for disappointment. I certainly don’t need that right now.

I suppose I could resolve to exercise more…because goodness knows I have so many spare hours in the day that I just spend sitting around. Call me crazy, but I just do not relish the thought of starting a workout at 10pm after having worked all day, flown over to daycare to retrieve my kids, done the whole dinner-bath-bed routine, and made a feeble attempt to get the house back in some state of order.

There’s always the “healthy eating” resolution, but (and I know this is a big mommy no-no) I am not a big fan of vegetables – especially if they require any preparation on my part. Sure, if cooked and seasoned veggies ora nice salad miraculously appear on my plate, I will probably eat them. Askme to peel, chop, steam, stir-fry or anything else and I assure you, it will be unlikely to happen.

So where did that leave me as 2007 rolled in? Looking at how the crazy pace of my life impacts my kids. My stress is contagious and I really do need to make a change. The stress is not going to go away. Balancing work, parenting and classes will remain difficult, but childhood is no place for grown-up issues.

What do I resolve? To do my best to keep the work and school stress in those venues and leave my “kid-time” for doing the parenting and enjoying it. Will it be easy? No way – but the benefits for all of us will extend way beyond 2007.

It might just leave me wondering what to resolve for 2008.


Monday, January 01, 2007

RWM Resolutions

Everyone does them. So do we. We'll be blogging about New Year's Resolutions. Why don't you resolve to check out our blogs, boards and web site in 2007!!!?
