Our goal is to provide information, ideas and support for working women who are also full-time mothers.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Summer is too short for vacations!

I don't know how others feel, but it seems to me that there is never enough time to fit vacations in during the summer! We have so many things we want to do, so many places we want our kids to experience, but time and money tend to stand in the way. Not to mention that being a working mom means vacation time accrued at work is most often used for illnesses. So we have to be patient and do just one or two things per summer, and usually on long weekends. That's fine, we don't mind, but we don't ever feel like we get a "true" vacation. Admittedly, our kids are pretty young and we have plenty of time to do big things like Disney or visiting Wrigley Field to see the Cubs play (my husband and I are both Cubs fans) or getting to San Diego and Seaworld.

So for the time being, we enjoy doing our weekend camping trips. And these are things we will never give up, because we absolutely love it. But we live in an area where we can go for weekend trips just an hour or so away, so that's nice. We also try to get to the beach for a few days at least once during the summer. Also something we have the luxury of living close to. We are outdoorsy people and we intend to raise our kids that way as well, so hopefully they will enjoy those weekend excursions just as much as we do.

And hopefully they don't mind if they are 10 when they get to meet Mickey and Cinderella for the first time. Wrigley Field isn't going anywhere anytime soon, either.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Summer Vacation

We've never planned our summer vacations well. We're not really beach people, and summer is a beachy kind of season for a vacation. Being that we are all white as freshly bleached socks, fun in the sun is not a great vacation for us as a family.

Our first summer-time vacation was Rome in the beginning of July. Rome is an amazing city with a thousand places of wonder within it. However it is about a thousand degrees from June until September.

As a teenager I went to Sardegna (Sardinia) in the summer. Sard is an island off the southern coast of Italy, north of Sicily, and is amazing in the summer. Surrounded by water the weather is wonderful, the ocean amazing (although I did burn to a crisp) and the nightlife totally hot. Unfortunately boats & nightclubs aren't on the list these days.

Last year we went to Florida, and did two weeks at Disneyworld. While we had fun, I would never go there in the summer again either. Hot sticky and lots of sporadic rain.

When someone figures out the RIGHT place for pale people to spend the summers, please let me know!