Claiming My Time
Given that it has taken me over two weeks to get to this blog topic, my success with finding time for myself could certainly be called into question. I really do find this blog and keeping in touch with other working mom’s to give me just a little bit of the personal space we all need in our daily lives.
Beyond my internet habits, I am a home-improvement kind of gal. Granted, my recent projects have resulted in a couple of trips to the ER for stitches, but the bringing them to completion and putting a “personal stamp” on my home environment are extremely gratifying.
Demolition projects are especially useful for venting anger and frustration– as is almost anything requiring a hammer. Note to self: need to find another woodworking type project for the next time the ex pisses me off. Painting – useful when I want instant gratification. Nothing like a little fresh paint to make things suddenly seem brighter and cleaner.
For the more tranquil times, I do enjoy reading and can plow through books when left to my own devices. Currently, I leave that for the before-bed wind down.
Exercise – well, that’s on my wish list, but I am hoping to get back into a gym routine. I think exercising is one of the best things I can do for myself – now I just need to claim the time to do it.
Beyond my internet habits, I am a home-improvement kind of gal. Granted, my recent projects have resulted in a couple of trips to the ER for stitches, but the bringing them to completion and putting a “personal stamp” on my home environment are extremely gratifying.
Demolition projects are especially useful for venting anger and frustration– as is almost anything requiring a hammer. Note to self: need to find another woodworking type project for the next time the ex pisses me off. Painting – useful when I want instant gratification. Nothing like a little fresh paint to make things suddenly seem brighter and cleaner.
For the more tranquil times, I do enjoy reading and can plow through books when left to my own devices. Currently, I leave that for the before-bed wind down.
Exercise – well, that’s on my wish list, but I am hoping to get back into a gym routine. I think exercising is one of the best things I can do for myself – now I just need to claim the time to do it.