Our goal is to provide information, ideas and support for working women who are also full-time mothers.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Choosing a costume

So, who decides on a pre-schooler's costume: Mommy or Child!? My son is going to be Batman. He has started asking to be the green Power Ranger but I'm ignoring that! The Power Rangers are not mommy's favorite. LOL I don't know why...Batman and Spiderman are just as violent.

I found the Batman costume at a consignment sale earlier this month. So, I keep bringing it up ad getting him excited about being Batman. I hope it works and I'm not out trying to find a Red or Green Power Ranger the day before Halloween!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Halloween is Quickly Approaching

Well, Halloween is quickly approaching. All the little ghouls and gobblings are getting ready for their yearly raid.

Yesterday we went looking for a costume for my three year old. Yikes!!!!! First we went to one of those Halloween SuperStores. Only advice: DON'T do it!!!! Everything was twice as much as it is everywhere else and they had a ton of the same thing. Needless to say, we left that store with no costume, carrying my son who was in tears because mean mommy wouldn't pay $40 for the same Superman costume I saw at Toys R Us for $30. So off to Toys R Us we go. Here we were able to find a Superman costume for $20 that I think looks more comfortable. [Plus many are on sale this week too :)]

This will be the first Halloween that I'm taking my son out Trick or Treating. I'm stressing already. The past three he's been happy to dress up and help mommy give out the candy but we know this isn't going to cut it this year. He's definitely got a case of the "greedy gimmies" and is already asking when he can go out and start asking for candy. Hello, where do they learn this stuff?????

In the next few weeks, we'll be sharing our thoughts and tips for making Halloween a fun event for the whole family.

Also after Halloween, we'd love for you to share your Halloween photos. If you'd like to share, you can e-mail them to us at webmaster@realworkingmom.com.

Here's my little vampire from last year:

Sunday, October 15, 2006

New look to realworkingmom.com!

We've worked hard the last few months to design a new look to our website. We just finished up the last page tonight and I launched the new version from my bathroom while my son took his bath! Gotta love wireless internet and a laptop. :)

Check out the site and comment here with your thoughts on our update! We hope the site will provide support to all the working moms out there on the 'net!
