Our goal is to provide information, ideas and support for working women who are also full-time mothers.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Some years I have to stop and really focus on what I'm thankful for. Sometimes life gets so stressfull, so overwhelming, that I have to force myself to stop and remember all the good things. Thanksgiving was that day.

I am so grateful for the health of my children. Following the stories of so many kids fighting for their lives reminds me just how grateful I should be.

I am grateful for my husband. As I watch 3 friends struggle with the decision of leaving a relationship that is destructive, I'm so incredibly thankful that I found such an amazing partner to walk through this life with.

I'm grateful for my job. For the people I work with and the contributions I'm given the opportunity to make every day. So many people don't like what they do, I am so lucky.

I'm grateful for the twist of fate that brought me together with some amazing friends through the web. If you'd told me 4 years ago that the spine of my support system as a mother would come from a group of women I met on the web I would've laughed in your face. But it's true. I don't know what I did to deserve being an Aug 03 mom, to have found the group of mommies that are now such a part of my circle, but I am forever thankful that I did.

Happy Belated Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Thanksgiving Aftershock

As much as it pains me to admit it, the days following Thanksgiving jar me into a harsh reality that, for 11 months out of the year, I try to avoid. Holiday shopping. The countdown of the final few weeks to figure out an appropriate and affordable gift for family members, friends, daycare providers, some coworkers, etc. etc. really places undue pressure on the perpetual procrastinator that I am proud to be.

OK, so waiting until the last minute is not ideal – especially with two young children who accompany me on almost every shopping trip – but it is EXCITING – and for me, much more efficient. If I have weeks to labor over what to get my cousin’s kids – who I see once a year and whose ages I can only approximate – then I will take weeks to decide. If I have two days left before I am going to see them, rest assured I will make a speedy decision.

Truth be told, as I get older, I do need the constant reminder of pending holidays. If I was not bombarded with a constant barrage of Christmas music, or faced with dazzling displays of decoration, I might forget to add a gift for my aunt’s second husband’s daughter from his first marriage to my shopping list.

Or, at the very least I would not have so many opportunities to experience the magic of the holiday season as seen through the eyes of my children.

I am grateful that no matter how many times we drive past the house with the inflatable Santa, they are always amazed. Looking for houses with lights on them has become an activity for the commute home - which saves me from listening to the same Barney CD and allows me to have some great conversations with my 3 year old. Trips to the store with the kids become much more enjoyable when we can take a break from shopping and play with the reindeer, snowmen, dogs, penguins (yes, penguins), and Santa’s who sing and dance when you squeeze their hand.
As hard as this holiday season is – because it is my first as a truly single parent – I will be forever thankful that my children are able to renew my excitement and share their fascination with me. Maybe this year, I will even be inspired to start shopping a few weeks in advance.

posted for Kathy+2

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Some days I look at my overstressed life, running here and there from work to home with a crazed three year old and almost toddler in tow, and I think OMG. What can I possibly be thankful for as my preschooler is throwing a fit in the grocery store and everyone is staring at us like I'm a monster with an uncontrollable brat and I am feeling defeated and just plain worn out?

Then at the end of the day, as I'm putting the boys to bed and getting my nightly hugs and kisses, I stop. This is when I remember why I am so thankful. I have two wonderful boys who are healthy (minus the never ending colds and eczema but healthy) and happy. Add in a husband who loves me, a great mom and brother [don't tell him I said that ;)], a job that pays the bills, and a comfortable home. Yes, I have a lot to be thankful for.

Having worked a great deal with Friends of Allie and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, I've seen a lot of families that are thankful for so much less than I have. Thankful for just one more day with their precious child who clings to life battling blood cancer. Thankful for simple gestures of strangers signing their guestbooks. Thankful for a blood donor who took the time to donate so their child could have the transfusion they desperately need. Thankful to God for giving them their precious child to love, even if for far too brief a time on this earth.

Yes, I'm very thankful for it all. As I give those hugs and kisses each night, it is abundantly clear how truly blessed I really am. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!